Did you know that parents in Iceland must select their babies’ names from a government-approved list of 1712 boy and 1853 girl names? Well, according to Uncle John’s Awesome Bathroom Reader, they do.
In that same tome, I was fascinated to read about three Native American names and their meanings. Apparently, Sacajawea means “bird woman.” Pocahontas means “playful one” and Geronimo means “the one who yawns” (I am surprised his name struck such fear in the lives of the settlers).
And I doubt you will guess the all-time longest celebrity name. It was Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriana de la Santisima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruiz y PICASSO.
Names are interesting in the Bible too. Commentators tell us that Jesus had over 50 different names and titles in the scriptures. My own favorites include Lamb of God (John 1:29), Immanuel, (Matt. 1:23), The Alpha and Omega (Rev. 22:13-15) and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5).
But the name that Jesus most often used in reference to Himself was “Son of Man”. This phrase appears over 80 times in the New Testament. It is the title that Stephen, as he was being stoned, called Jesus in Acts 7. And instead of using a pronoun (like “I”), Jesus used it when He was referring to Himself.
So why did Jesus use that name or that title? If there were over 50 others to choose from, why did He think “Son of Man” was the most appropriate way to draw attention to Himself?
I think the answer lies in the definition of the term. Literally it means, the male offspring or descendent of “the face “or a man. It is signifying the humanity of the person. It means “feet of clay” or human being.
In John 1:14 the Bible says that “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” Jesus, the Word, the embodiment of the eternal God, took on flesh. He assumed a human body with all its limitations and came to earth to dwell among us. Plainly, He came (made Himself just like us) and pitched His tent right in the middle of us.
So that’s why He prefers the title, “Son of Man.” He is highlighting His willingness to be just like us; to know our foibles, to feel our fears, to sense our frustrations and know our need for love and a Savior. His humility made the cross possible. And His humility draws each of us to Him.
He truly is the Son of Man. What a name!