As I grew up in my first church, I heard a lot about a group of people known as the “shut ins.” These were usually older folks who had health issues and just couldn’t get out and about.
But recently I have been thinking about folks who are “shut down.” Although some might still be on the older side, many of them just have circumstances that preclude them from “running around” like the rest of us. It might be a mom with a newborn baby whose life is now scheduled around feeding time. It might be someone who lost their job and dog-gone-it, it is taking months to find a new one.
Or it might be someone who has a medical issue that has enveloped them. Overnight, their world shrank to the size of their living room.
Regardless of how these folks find themselves isolated and handcuffed to their easy chair, it is a tough time of life. And it is so easy to think that our usefulness to the Lord has come to a crashing halt. But that isn’t so.
As I have been praying for a few friends who find themselves in such a predicament right now, I came up with the idea of high lighting a new ministry for “the shut down.” And I am calling that ministry “The Ministry of the P.E.A.” The P. E. A. stands for prayer, encouragement and affirmation.
Instead of allowing the Enemy to convince us that our usefulness to the Lord is over (or at least on a long pause), the ministry of the P.E.A. recognizes that our “shut down” folks can and should be involved in the exceptionally important outreach of prayer, encouragement and words of affirmation.
So, if you happen to find yourself (or someone you love) languishing on a couch somewhere consider embracing the role of prayer warrior. Make a serious list of folks in your world who desperately need prayer and commit yourself to pray, really pray. Thoughtful, serious, intercessory prayer matters! (Take a look at James 5:16.)
You might also take the next step and reach out and encourage someone else. It can take the form of a text, a card, a bouquet of flowers, a silly video or just a call letting them know they are being thought of.
And lastly, if you are one of these “shut down” warriors, this will be a great week to reach out and affirm someone around you. Your affirmation of their work or effort can literally “turn the tide” in their life.
The ministry of the P.E.A. is so important. Let’s make it happen this week!