
Thankful for the Gospel

by | Nov 24, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

This week most of us will gather with friends and loved ones and gorge ourselves on turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy. (Throw in some black olives, jellied cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie and I will be right over!)

And at that gathering, there is often an effort to express out loud some things we are grateful for. Unfortunately, those “spiritual” moments can easily degenerate into a “I love you mom,” or a “I love you son” obligatory expressions.

This year, how about if you and I spend some considerable time thanking the Lord for the gospel itself.

Most of us are thrilled as we initially embrace the “good news.” The idea that the Son of God actually freely gave Himself up for me (and you) is overwhelming at first. The concept that the debt of my sin was paid in full by a perfect, sinless loving Savior caused us much thought and evoked great sobs of gratitude.

But unfortunately, if we are not careful, over time our focus on the gospel gets less intimate and more institutional. It can begin to feel like something to share (part of our testimony) and not something to personally cherish.

Recently I came across a little book called, A Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent. In it, he proposes several reasons for Christians to rehearse the gospel daily. Maybe over the holiday, you and I can focus on some of these details and develop a fresh appreciation for the gospel. It includes:

Appreciation for the power of God. My daily protection. My transformation. Freedom from sin’s power. The ability to rest in Christ’s righteousness. My inheritance in the saints. A reminder to love others. A heart for the lost. A cultivation of humility. My hope of heaven.

Let’s remember: “The gospel isn’t one class among many that you’ll attend during your life as a Christian. The gospel is the whole building that all the classes take place in! Rightly approached, all the topics you’ll study and focus on as a believer will be offered to you ‘within’ the walls of the glorious gospel.” (C. J. Mahaney)

Preaching the gospel to ourselves is a very important part of following Jesus. So, let’s make sure our Thanksgiving this year includes some heartfelt and personal gratitude for the gospel.

Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. We dare not trust in any frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.”



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