Last week was Easter. It is the high point on the Christian calendar. On Friday our attention was on the sacrificial death of Christ. The cross and our Savior’s crucifixion represent the payment that was paid in full for our sin debt. Mercy was extended to us on Friday, and we are grateful.
And then we shifted our attention to Sunday. Because of His resurrection, we have hope. We find our spiritual freedom and ultimate peace in that empty tomb. Because He defeated death, so will we.
Both Friday and Sunday deserve our serious reflection. But what about Saturday? When you stop to think about it, it’s the in-between day.
For a school teacher it is like the time between the last day of Christmas vacation and the first week of summer vacation. They call those the “dog days” of spring and they can drag on a bit.
For a pregnant mom it is like the days between the last doctor’s visit complete with joyous pictures of the baby in her womb and the actual day of birth. Swollen ankles, weird appetites, and general weariness cause her to long for the delivery date.
And for those who ache with serious prayer requests heavy on their heart, a “Saturday” experience is the time between prayers prayed and prayers answered. It may well be a “day” or period of despair and anxiousness. It’s the time between bad news and good news.
Theologically, these “Saturdays” are the time between darkness and light. And they can be miserable. As children of God, we may be expectant. We may believe that the Lord will be faithful and fulfill every one of His promises. But on a “Saturday,” it is tough.
So, what do we do this week if we find ourselves situated on a “Saturday?”
The short answer is, we wait. We wait with hope in our hearts. We take this time to review His gracious acts in the past. We journal our memories so we won’t forget what He has done before. We rehearse His faithfulness.
And, we read and reread His promises about the future. We declare our faith (out loud if necessary). We gather friends and family around us so we can be reminded that we are not alone.
And we wait. We wait remembering that “… they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint “(Isa. 40:31).
Saturday passes, Sunday will come!
(By the way, I am grateful to John Ortberg for some of these thoughts. See his book, Who is This Man? for some further insights.)