Sadly, Christianity in the U.S. has a pretty poor reputation and might be typified as rather “soft.” We have earned that reputation and reinforce it routinely as we sit on soft chairs in our air-conditioned auditoriums, sipping good coffee and nibbling on a tasty doughnut! Generally, we don’t want to be there longer than an hour and resent any expectation that requires effort on our part.
So, when I read about our brothers and sisters serving in other countries, I am encouraged. I am encouraged to pray more for them. I am personally encouraged to serve with more reckless abandonment. And I am encouraged to pass along their stories of faithfulness.
Here is a good one that I heard about through some missionaries with CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ). Apparently in a closed nation somewhere around the world, a church of 250 members exists. Their story goes like this:
“Though this church was legal and registered, it was growing too fast. The authorities closed it down. The pastor (let’s call him Omar) became concerned. Some suggested he leave the area, but he replied, ‘Who will care for my flock? How will they share the good news with others?’
Then the Lord inspired a solution. Pastor Omar divided his church into cells of three to five people, 75 groups spread throughout the city. To minister to them, Omar became a taxi driver. While varying his route so as not to attract attention, he picked up various cell leaders.
As they drove around, he taught them the week’s lesson. Each leader then shared the lesson with his or her group members. In the taxi, Pastor Omar also gave his leaders microSD cards containing Christian material and the Word of God helping them to lead more to Christ.”
So, this week, let’s not forget our instructions from the Lord. His last directions to His church are found in these words: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
Go…make disciples…teach them. Do it from a taxi cab if you have to, but do it!