One of my favorite things to do with the children in our school is to go from class to class with cans of whipped cream in my hand. I make sure none of them are allergic or anything and then I fill their mouths with that creamy sweet treat! We giggle and laugh with the stuff running down our chins.
Well, I came across a wonderful verse that makes me think of those classroom visits. It is found in Psalm 81, verse 10: “I am the Lord your God who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.”
I am not sure the Lord is referring to whipped cream, but He is teaching us an important concept for this next year. The truth is He wants to bless our lives. He loves to give good gifts to His children.
He is a kind and loving heavenly Father who knows what is best for us and He wants to shower us with those blessings. The “trick” is for His kids to be on the same page as their heavenly Father. We have to want what He wants to give us.
We have to think like He thinks. We have to refine our “gee-I-wish-I-had” lists so they are in accordance with His plans and purposes. Our appetites and desires have to be groomed until they match His. Our heart has to delight in the things that delight Him.
And when that happens, it is glorious! Our Lord can’t wait to answer our prayers.
In James 4:2-3, the Lord’s half-brother reminds us that “you do not have because you do not ask God. When you do ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives…”
So, as we are all making our plans for the new year, let’s take some extra time to review our prayer lists. What exactly are we praying for? Who will benefit? If God grants our petition, will it line up with His will?
What kinds of things did Jesus pray for? (Take a look at John 17:6-19.)
Are we asking with an expectant heart? Do we really anticipate that He will answer us? Are our motives for the request pure? Will He be glorified?
If we do the checking and the answers to all those questions are all affirmative, look out! It’s time to open our mouths wide and receive His gifts with humility. It is going to be an amazing new year!