Monday Musings
2008 – 2021
A Commentary on Life
Every Monday, I write a “musing.” It is a brief commentary on life seen through the lens of the scriptures. The topics and observations reflect my wide area of interests. I might comment on sports or an historical event. I might reflect on parenting skills or muse about a biography I read. The themes will range from the mundane to the theologically important.
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
Conversations with Ourselves
I laughed when I read this story. Apparently, an older gentleman was doing some grocery shopping and noticed a dad shopping with his son. The boy was doing a great deal of complaining as they made their way along the store aisles. The elderly...
Audience of One
I recently read that Mumbai (the capital city of India) established 16 different “no selfie zones” across the city. They are concerned about the rise in accidents and deaths occurring because people get so absorbed with their own agenda (getting a...
We are Blessed
Awhile back, I read these remarks and the impact continues to reverberate in my heart. I don’t know who wrote it, and since it is quite old, I am not confident of the statistics. But the importance of the words still nudges my heart. Maybe they...
The Coronation of Jesus
Coronations are cool events. Great Britain is gearing up for one this spring. Charles the III has followed his mother, Queen Elizabeth II and was declared King right after his mom’s death. But his coronation as a monarch is another matter....
Helping Children Process Tragedies
Like everyone else, I have been deeply impacted by the senseless shooting that took place last week at the Christian school in Nashville. I guess it has been particularly disturbing because I have spent my entire adult life ministering to kids in a...
Think on These Things
I recently read an interesting note. Apparently, “The average attention span for the notoriously ill-focused goldfish is nine seconds. But according to a new study, from Microsoft Corp., people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds,...
Ask for Wisdom
One of my favorite Disney movies is Aladdin (especially the first one). If you know the story, the hero is given the opportunity to ask for three wishes to be granted. His first wish is “make me a prince.” His second wish is more specific, “please...
What would you do in exchange for ten million dollars? Well, in the book The Day America Told the Truth a survey asked that question and revealed the answers. Apparently 25% would abandon their family or their church. 23% would become a...
Set a Guard Over my Mouth
Our tongue gets us in trouble. No, I am not talking about those eight muscles that manipulate food for swallowing and help form words for speaking. No, I am talking about the analogies that James gives us in chapter three of his epistle (the bit...
Do We (really) Love Him?
In Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love, there is a section entitled, “When you are in love.” In it, Chan makes the case that folks in love act differently than those who are not in a committed relationship. He says, “When you are truly in love, you go...
Faith that can be Followed
In the recently released “Top Gun: Maverick” movie, Maverick is tasked with teaching a select group of young, “hot shot” aviators how to fly an impossible route and blow up an important military target. It is a target that everyone believes is...
Dead Faith
There are many interesting stories told about the 16th century Protestant Reformation leader, Martin Luther. Although he was a monk, Luther struggled with many of the theological positions of the Roman Catholic Church. His own salvation came as he...