Monday Musings
2008 – 2021
A Commentary on Life
Every Monday, I write a “musing.” It is a brief commentary on life seen through the lens of the scriptures. The topics and observations reflect my wide area of interests. I might comment on sports or an historical event. I might reflect on parenting skills or muse about a biography I read. The themes will range from the mundane to the theologically important.
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
Insulting God
If you have been reading my musings for a while, you know that I am a sports enthusiast. That world often highlights Biblical principles for me to consider. And last week, there was another one. Golf is back…and the big tournament, the PGA was...
It’s Time for Some Celebrations
I recently had a wonderful vacation with some friends. We went “glamping” in an RV and trailer to Yellowstone and Mount Rushmore. And we had a great time. But when I got home, I slowly started sliding into a bit of a funk. I had to cancel some...
Our Salvation Anniversary
A week or two ago, Disneyland had a big anniversary. It was 65 years ago (on July 18th) that the magical land of the talking mouse opened its doors to the public. There is a cool story associated with its first day of operations. It seems that...
How Many Loaves Do You Have?
As Christ set out to feed some 5000 men, plus women and children in Matthew 14, He asked His friends to participate, “How many loaves do you have?” He asked that same question again when He fed the four thousand later on in His ministry. As I...
The In-Between Times
It occurs to me that you and I are presently stuck in some significant “in-between times.” We are languishing in the midst of a pandemic. We are immersed in societal unrest. We are in the midst of two differing political perspectives. In many...
Be Patient with the Person in the Mirror
We are living in particularly stressful times. It might not be quite as bad as it was for the Londoners while the Nazis were bombing their city, but it is tough. We see unrest and discord everywhere. We are facing a medical crisis that hasn’t been...
Caring for a Friend
There is an amazing exchange between two friends tucked into the book of II Kings. Elisha, the prophet and his ministering servant find themselves in a “whale of hurt.” Israel’s enemy, the Arameans have snuck...
Occasionally, there is frustration as we encounter God’s Word in our own language. As wonderful as our modern English translations are, sometimes they confuse us. I encountered one of those occasions this past week. I was looking at the term...
After Graduation
High school and college graduations have been so different this year. There have been celebrations at home, some schools have hand delivered the diplomas, some showed videos of all the graduates or invited famous speakers to give the address...
We Need Prayer
Our world needs to kneel in prayer. We need, desperately need, to be immersed in prayer. We need to be in the midst of a flowing conversation with our heavenly Father. We need to talk to Him, talk about Him and sit still long enough for Him to talk...
Enslaved by Sin
I love history. And a story about a 14th century Duke of Belgium recently caught my eye. It seems that Raynald III was in a violent quarrel with his younger brother, Edward. Eventually, Edward won the struggle and captured Raynard. But Edward was a...