Monday Musings
2008 – 2021
A Commentary on Life
Every Monday, I write a “musing.” It is a brief commentary on life seen through the lens of the scriptures. The topics and observations reflect my wide area of interests. I might comment on sports or an historical event. I might reflect on parenting skills or muse about a biography I read. The themes will range from the mundane to the theologically important.
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
Change the Narrative in Your Head
If I had to define courage, I might say that it is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to trust the Lord to do what He asks us to do. That process of trusting Him in the face of serious difficulty is a tough one. And it is often made more...
When God Thinks About Us
Just for a moment, let’s imagine that God is thinking about you. What do you assume He feels when you come to mind? Is He disappointed or maybe even angry over some of your choices? Is He saddened that you are His kid? Does He roll His eyes...
Blood Donor
Recently I have been receiving a number of emails about donating blood. I was able to give platelets a few months ago and apparently I am now on some sort of Red Cross priority list. They keep telling me that O negative blood is in short supply and...
It is Still Our Job
Back in 1993, The Barna Group partnered with the Lutheran Hour Ministries to survey a wide number of issues among Christians. One of their questions had to do with sharing the gospel. At that time, 89% of those questioned responded that they do...
Disagreeing without Dividing
I recently read an article in the Biola Magazine that asked a very pertinent question, “In a time of intense polarization and provocation is there any hope for a return to civility?” The article contained a conversation that several Biola...
Good Gifts for Your Children
I was reading Matthew chapter 7 this morning and was arrested by the phrase, “good gifts for your children.” Everyone wants to give their kids good stuff. This past Christmas I got a card from my god-daughter and she was regaling gifts she received...
Don’t Waste Your Covid
About 15 years ago, John Piper was facing a horrible diagnosis of cancer. But instead of whining or fussing about the hard days to come, he wrote an amazing message entitled, “Don’t Waste Your Cancer.” If you have not read it, please go download it...
Stuff People Tell Us
As I am writing this musing, I am sitting in the parking lot of the Department of Motor Vehicles waiting for a friend. You ought to hear some of the conversations. You can hear some amazing “advice” and thoughtful insight for living from others....
A Peach Colored Bible
I had reason this past week to do some studying into Red Letter Bibles. Back in 1899, an editor of The Christian Herald, Louis Klopsch and some others decided to print a New Testament that emphasized the words of Jesus by rendering them in red. A...
As Head of a school, I used to love the first week of the new year. Not only did everyone have their new shoes, uniforms, bows and lunch boxes, they were literally bouncing with excitement as they wandered the hallways. But if you stopped by the...