Monday Musings
2008 – 2021
A Commentary on Life
Every Monday, I write a “musing.” It is a brief commentary on life seen through the lens of the scriptures. The topics and observations reflect my wide area of interests. I might comment on sports or an historical event. I might reflect on parenting skills or muse about a biography I read. The themes will range from the mundane to the theologically important.
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
Living in a Spiritual Bubble
In the gospel of John chapter ten, Jesus states that the devil is a thief and he comes to steal, kill and destroy the lives of believers. But He contrasts that doom and gloom with this promise: “I have come that they may have life and that they may...
We are Not Home Yet
I have some friends who have been missionaries for 30 some years. They just recently returned from overseas and are experiencing quite the culture shock. Their estimate of what a car should cost was woefully understated in their budget. What they...
What is in your Lunch Box?
Do you remember what your first lunch box was like? Some Boomers will shout out, “We just had brown bags!” I too remember a sandwich wrapped in wax paper in a tan bag. But then the metal boxes came along. And each fall, I got to pick the theme for...
A Cross Shaped Vision
I love the British Isles. Lived there as a kid, did my senior year of high school in a boarding school north of London and have visited many times since. While I delight in the English countryside, the quaint villages, the flower pots and row...
Homesick for Heaven
I have just started teaching a new Bible study series on Heaven. And last week, we explored the penetrating question, “Are you homesick for heaven?” I started my remarks with the statement that we all were made for another world. This experience we...
No More Grumbling
One of my favorite stories about murmuring and complaining involves a monk. Apparently he “joined a monastery and took a vow of silence. After the first 10 years his superior called him in and asked, "Do you have anything to say?" The monk replied,...
The Name of God
When God wanted to identify Himself, He referred to Himself as Yahweh (YHWH). Consider these words from Exodus 3:15 (NLT): “God also said to Moses, say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh (YHWH), the God of your ancestors-the God of Abraham, the...
Godly Waiting
A story is told about two frogs who fell into a tub of cream. One looked at the high sides of the tub which were too difficult to crawl over and said, “It is hopeless.” He hated to wait! So he resigned himself to death, relaxed, and sank to the...
Favorite Words
Everyone has a few favorite words. Those preferred words tend to be repeated a lot. Maybe it is a new term for them and they are “trying it out.” Or maybe they just like the way it sounds. (I am definitely one of those people. Onomatopoeia words...
God Provides
Generally, we all like that phrase, “God provides.” When we find ourselves in a place of need, it’s great to be able to parrot that well-used phrase of comfort and encouragement, “God provides.” But recently I have been teaching through the book of...
Last Words
I think there is a natural fascination about the final words people speak just before dying. For example, consider the thoughts of the world leader, Winston Churchill. Reportedly, his last words were, “I’m bored with it all.” Most of us have the...