Monday Musings
2008 – 2021
A Commentary on Life
Every Monday, I write a “musing.” It is a brief commentary on life seen through the lens of the scriptures. The topics and observations reflect my wide area of interests. I might comment on sports or an historical event. I might reflect on parenting skills or muse about a biography I read. The themes will range from the mundane to the theologically important.
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
Sherry, the Redeemed
Having lived in England for a while as a kid, I have always had a fascination for royalty. I once got to “meet” Queen Elizabeth (well, I got to curtsey her!). One of my British boyfriends offered to take me to a very cool steak house if I memorized...
A Self-Imposed Guardrail
Recently I was looking at some old photos of a trip I made to Kenya back in 2007. I had the great privilege to speak to a women’s group in Nairobi and then travelled up into the hills in western Kenya to a place called Mount Elgon. The group...
Be a Reader
I just sent my Goddaughter a cute cartoon that showed someone curled up in an easy chair with a book in her hand. The caption read, “Drink your coffee, read your books, it’s chaos out there.” I am thinking that might be great advice for all of us...
I have been doing some reading about simplicity. You might know that Steve Jobs had a very limited wardrobe. He routinely wore a black turtleneck sweater from Issey Miyake, Levi’s 501 blue jeans and New Balance sneakers. Apparently, Einstein only...
The Ministry of the Shut Down
As I grew up in my first church, I heard a lot about a group of people known as the “shut ins.” These were usually older folks who had health issues and just couldn’t get out and about. But recently I have been thinking about folks who are “shut...
The Name Jesus Preferred
Did you know that parents in Iceland must select their babies’ names from a government-approved list of 1712 boy and 1853 girl names? Well, according to Uncle John’s Awesome Bathroom Reader, they do. In that same tome, I was fascinated to read...
So often, the default answer to “How are you doing?” is “Busy” or maybe even “Crazy, crazy busy.” As Kyle Idleman in his book The End of Me says, “We establish our pecking order based on how little margin there is in our lives.” (Now, that is...
Somebody Needs Your Love
As we start off the new year, it occurs to me that someone needs your (and my) love. There are homeless and helpless men and women in every community. Some are hospitalized and all alone. There are any number of haggard folks like young nursing...