There are lots of stories in the Bible that teach us to live by faith. Over and over again, we see examples of real people trusting God to work on their behalf.
Consider Abraham as he trekked towards Mount Moriah. In obedience to God’s instructions, he planned to offer his only son as a physical sacrifice. God had called him out, “Abraham!” And Abraham replied, “Here I am.” Early the next morning, Abraham and Isaac headed out. By faith, they obeyed.
Consider Peter as he beheld Jesus walking across the waves on the Sea of Galilee. He shouts out, “Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” replies Jesus. And then Peter obeyed, he got out of the boat and started water-walking. (Matthew 14)
I thought of those examples as I read a missionary story in a recent edition of Christianity Today. It was highlighting a people group in Brazil who had a visit from some modern missionaries.
Listen to part of their story: They arrived by canoe, climbed up into a hut and initiated some conversation with a village leader. After exchanging pleasantries with the old woman, she asked a direct question. She wanted to know why they were there.
“We are missionaries,“ I said in my broken Paumari (their tribal language). “We want to help you to know Jesus, the Son of God and if you want, we can also help to set up a school and teach everyone to read.”
“The lady looked at me with a puzzled expression and started shouting for her grandson, Danilo. “Come over, Danilo. The missionaries have arrived. Take them to their home.”
“Our home?” I asked. She pointed to an empty tall hut nearby. “Danilo and I built this hut two summers ago, preparing for your arrival. We heard on the radio about the Creator God and how His Son, Jesus wants to help us. I said, ‘If that’s true, he will send us his people.’ So, we built the hut for you.”
Two years before the missionaries arrived; a hut was built for them. Now, that is faith in action!
I am ashamed to admit that I often operate my Christian walk as an extension of my own insight, knowledge and experiences. All too rarely do I actually walk by faith. I need to learn to trust.
Join me this week and let’s ask the Holy Spirit to tutor us in the elementary aspects of faith. Let’s respond to His prompting. Let’s obey His direction. Let’s learn to trust!
Imagine what our stories will sound like!