
Growing Old Together

by | Feb 18, 2024 | 2024, Musings | 0 comments

Recently, I had the opportunity to spend time with some wonderful friends whom I have known for 20-30 years. You can imagine the memories we share.

We remember how each of us came to know the Lord. We remember being there when the first of our kids became a teenager and disappointed us. We remember the pain of marriage strains and the joy of babies being born. We belly laugh over the dinners out, game nights, the weekends at concerts and trips to the beach.

It occurs to me that one of the biggest blessings of life is the opportunity to grow old with dear friends. I think Solomon was hinting at this when he remarks in Proverbs 27:10, “Do not forsake your friend and friend of your father…” There is something quite precious about “old” friends.

Old friends provide traditions to copy and savor. They are like a mirror; we see ourselves in a clearer way when we spend time with them. We can’t hide our imperfections; they already know about them and love us anyway!

When Aristotle said that friendship is a single soul in two bodies, he was trying to express how connected true friends can be. It is that connectedness that creates the depth of relationship that must be nurtured and cherished. There are so many benefits to longtime friends.

Dear friends stimulate us (Proverbs 27:17), they encourage us (Acts 24:23), they support us (Ecclesiastes 4:9) they always, love us (Proverbs 17:17) and point us to Christ.

The Apostle Paul cherished his dear friends in the church at Philippi and remarked in Philippians 1:3, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you…” I too thank God for every memory of my dear “old” friends.

So maybe this week, you and I ought to focus on those friends from yesterday. Give them a call, arrange a dinner out, set up a game night or just go get coffee and talk. Assure them of your commitment to their family. Remind them that you love growing old together!