The Remarkable Power of Hope

The Remarkable Power of Hope

There is a funny little story about a little league game. It seems that an older man stopped by the field one afternoon and asked a boy in the dugout what the score was. The boy responded, “Eighteen to nothing—we’re behind.” “Boy,” said the older gentleman, “I’ll bet...
Let It Be

Let It Be

There is an interesting “back story” to the Beatles’ hit song, “Let it Be.” It was the last song that was released before Paul announced his departure from the band. Many listeners believed that the lyrics were referring to Mary, the mother of Jesus. And today it is...


I recently sat on a jury. It was a criminal trial that lasted three days. When we first adjourned to the jury room for deliberations, our initial vote was 4 guilty and 8 not guilty. And the two camps seemed far apart in their opinions. As the hours went by, I began to...
Isle of Discussion

Isle of Discussion

I love Scotland. (Truth is, I love the British Isles. Period.) I love the tea, really like the breakfasts and enjoy the weather. And I truly appreciate some of the nuances of their culture. The local pub thing (perhaps without the alcohol) is a great idea. I dig all...
When God Thinks About Us

When God Thinks About Us

Just for a moment, let’s imagine that God is thinking about you. What do you assume He feels when you come to mind?  Is He disappointed or maybe even angry over some of your choices? Is He saddened that you are His kid? Does He roll His eyes at the mention of...
Good Gifts for Your Children

Good Gifts for Your Children

I was reading Matthew chapter 7 this morning and was arrested by the phrase, “good gifts for your children.” Everyone wants to give their kids good stuff. This past Christmas I got a card from my god-daughter and she was regaling gifts she received over the years. She...