Keep it in Perspective

I am reading a very good book entitled Killing Christians by Tom Doyle. I would highly recommend it. It tells a series of stories about real people all around the world who endure unimaginable circumstances and yet still serve the Lord with amazing strength and joy....

Sorry, God DOES Give Us More Than WE Can Handle

We all love to quote sayings from books and movies. They get repeated over and over until we all believe they are factual renderings. Example: “Play it again, Sam.” Unfortunately though, Rick never says that in the movie, Casablanca. We have some of those kinds of...


For centuries, Jewish people would not utter the name of God. They did so both out of reverence and sometimes out of superstition. Instead, they just referred to Him using four consonants: YHWH. These four consonants are often referred to as the Tetragrammaton. Some...


There have been several science fiction movies in the last few years that focused on the subject of humans having real relationships with robots. “Ex Machina” and “Her” come to mind. Apparently it is a semi-serious topic among young people. So much so that 25% of the...

My Hiding Place

Everyone needs a hiding place. When we are verbally attacked, we need a safe emotional corner to rest in as we consider the source. When we are confused, frustrated and befuddled, we need a calm space and time to think. When we hurt, we all need a bit of comfort, a...

Value of Life

Canada has recently proposed an assisted suicide bill that would let terminally ill patients take their own lives.  Beyond the obvious theological issues, I was taken back by the clarification that the bill would oppose “suicide tourism.” That is, the bill restricts...