Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

Last Sunday, our pastor entitled his Christmas series of messages, “Home for the Holidays.” He reminded us that home is linked with warm relationships. It is usually a comfortable place where we feel contented and connected. It’s a link to our childhood and all those...
Covenant Friendships

Covenant Friendships

It’s the time of the year for making lists. We have lists of things we need to get done around the house before our loved ones can come for a visit. We have lists of projects we need to finish so that perfect gift can be home made. We have grocery lists. We have lists...
The Rooster

The Rooster

I love a good story. This one is about a midwestern farmer. Apparently, one night a fierce desert storm struck with rain, hail, and a high wind. At daybreak, feeling sick and fearing what he might find, the farmer went to survey his loss. The hail had beaten the...
Arriving at Shiloh

Arriving at Shiloh

I remember my first bicycle. It was blue and white and had plastic streamers imbedded in the grips on the steering bar. It had one of those cute ringers that you pushed with your thumb. And most of the time, I stuck playing cards on the spokes so it would make that...
Serve Someone!

Serve Someone!

I am a storyteller and when I find a good one, I love to pass it along. It seems that “many years ago in a small hotel in Philadelphia, USA, an elderly couple, on a business trip from England, approached the night clerk seeking a room. ‘We have tried several other...
What Are You Doing?

What Are You Doing?

I love this story…the noted English architect Sir Christopher Wren was supervising the construction of a magnificent cathedral in London. A journalist thought it would be interesting to interview some of the workers, so he chose three and asked them this question,...