An Early Christmas Thought

The unthinkable happened the other day. I saw Christmas decorations and holiday gifts out on display. And it is not even Halloween! But instead of complaining to the store manager, I decided to use this opportunity to start thinking about what Christmas is all about....

Hidden Fears

Everyone is afraid of something. Some of our trepidations are minor in nature. For example, most of us don’t like mice scurrying around under our feet or trips to the dentist. Some fears are rational. We ought to feel apprehensive about law school exams and other...

Let It Go (for your sake)

I am teaching through the New Testament book of Philemon, and that short book of only 25 verses tells the story about a rich man (Philemon) who had a slave steal from him. It seems that the slave (Onesimus) ran away and ended up in Rome where the apostle Paul was...

Grieve, But Do Not Despair

After the events in Las Vegas, all our hearts are filled with sorrow and grief. We mourn for those who lost loved ones, for those who were physically injured and for all those who will carry the psychological scars with them for the rest of their lives. And we should...

Secure Your Own Mask First

I am certain that we have all heard this announcement as we settled in for a flight. The script goes like this: Oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored. In the event of loss of cabin pressure, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you. To...

Confessing Sin

This last week I had the opportunity to speak at a local church’s women’s group. Out of all the things I might have addressed, I got assigned SIN! More specifically, I was asked to speak on I John 1:5-10 and the importance of confessing our sin. (Admittedly not a very...