Re. Re. Re. Re.

Repurpose. Reconsider. Reevaluate. Regenerate. At the start of a new year, there are so many “re” words and concepts to consider. But one of them in particular has been on my mind all week: Redeem. The dictionary definition says it means to buy or pay off, to recover...

How Much Is Enough?

I have a friend who rather regularly bemoans the fact that her family’s household income isn’t as great as that of others in our area. I did a little checking and it does seem that the real median income in 2016 for a household in the US was a bit over $59,000. ...


Last spring, I had the great privilege of leading a group to Israel. We visited many of the traditional sites that I had seen before. But because the political situation was very calm, we had the special treat of visiting Bethlehem in the West Bank. The Church of the...

What Should We Do?

John the Baptist is an amazing figure in the New Testament. His birth was miraculous. Both of his parents (Zacharias and Elizabeth) were too old to bear children. Regardless, the angel Gabriel announced that he would be born, filled with the Holy Spirit before his...

Cheerful Givers

There are many things in our culture that suggest the need to give. Sad faces of malnourished dogs and cats motivate many to donate. Graphic videos of storm-ravaged villages move folks to support relief agencies. But perhaps the most notable image that provokes giving...

His Word in Our Hearts

It is amazing how many Biblical phrases we have embedded in our everyday language. Just for fun, take a look at the list in the next paragraph and decide whether or not you think they came from the Bible. (I will use phrases out of the King James Version.) The...