6200 Miles of Thinking

I just got back from a five-week trip across country. I retired as Head of School in June and wanted to give my successor every opportunity for a fresh start as school began in September. So I grabbed my best friend, jumped into my RV and took off on a grand...

Echoes of Eden

I love this quote: “When I am silent the noise of the world fades and I hear the echoes of Eden in my soul, a desire stirs only God can fulfill” (Skye Jethani). It is very similar to the thought Augustine had some 2500 years ago, “You have made us for yourself, O...

Putting On the Dog

I am told that the period after the Civil War, leading up to the end of that century was a very colorful time in American history. War always makes manufacturers wealthy. And there were quick fortunes to be made in railroads, oil exploration and even real estate. All...

Clay Pots

I remember when my sandwich at lunch was covered by folded wax paper. And then mom discovered Tupperware and heaven help you if you didn’t bring home the precious plastic box. Today, we stuff sandwiches (and everything else) in zip lock bags (preferably the water...

They Matter!

On the news the other night, they had a report about an autistic young man who had a remarkable experience in a grocery store. As his family did their shopping, the teenager became fascinated with a store clerk as he was stocking shelves. The store clerk stepped to...

Dealing with Disappointments

Years ago I attended a seminar called “Basic Youth Conflicts,” and it changed my life. I was so young in my faith, so rough around the spiritual edges that I needed a totally new way of thinking about life. And the material in those sessions certainly struck a chord...