How Much Is Enough? (What does it take to be happy?)

How Much Is Enough? (What does it take to be happy?)

I like to chew on things when I am on a road trip. Nuts and chips work. The sweet and sour candies are a good choice. But my favorite is probably licorice. I like both the black and red versions. So, on a trip over this past Christmas break, I stocked up on some...
The Right Language

The Right Language

Flashback to 713 BC, an Assyrian ruler named Sennacherib invaded Judah and threatened Jerusalem. The Bible tells us this story in II Chronicles 32 and II Kings 18. Sennacherib sent some of his officers to Jerusalem with a message for the king of Judah, Hezekiah. For...


I wonder if you have heard about some interesting pending mergers. They are being widely marketed in all our news services. In fact, those sites are urging those with money to get in on the ground floor and be ready to reap the financial windfall later. Those mergers...


The New Year presents all of us with an opportunity to declare some heartfelt resolutions. (And no, I am not taking about the kind that you ignore by the second week of January!) Actually, I am thinking about Jonathan Edwards. The great American Preacher, Edwards is...
No Separation

No Separation

Years ago, there was a widely circulated idea that everyone is six or fewer social connections away from each other. It was called “Six Degrees of Separation,” or the “Six Handshake Rule.” It is the idea that “friend to friend” connections (with anyone) can be made in...
Comfort Ye My People

Comfort Ye My People

I love listening to Handel’s Messiah around Christmas time. Although it was originally presented as an Easter musical, it just seems to highlight many aspects of the holiday season. Let me share a bit of the back story associated with that incredible piece of music....