Christmas 2018

It is amazing how differently Christmas is celebrated all around the world. In many places on the continent of Africa, families do not have resources with which to give gifts. So they gather together for marathon length nativity plays. They start with creation and end...

Our Finest Gifts

It’s the Christmas season and there is wonderful music wafting all around us. The song, “Little Drummer Boy” was playing in my car the other day so I stopped and listened to the words. The phrase, “our finest gifts we bring” caught my attention. I began asking myself...

I Am Here

There is such power in those three little words, “I am here.” Imagine for a moment a young elementary student with a part in the school play. Those three lines he or she has to deliver are some of the most important sentences ever spoken. But maybe dad has been...

I Believe in Child Labor

Like most people who work with children and young people, I wish the Bible had more specific things to say about child rearing. A detailed check off list would be nice. An alliterated acrostic for each season of a child’s life would help. Even a few more details about...


I wasn’t quite sure how I wanted to spend Thanksgiving vacation this year. I love the holiday, the chance to focus on remembering and of course the food, but I was unsure about travel plans. And then I got the brilliant idea to fly up to Alaska and see the Northern...

Spiritual Amnesia

During my first (of five) knee replacement surgeries, I had a period when I was awake and aware of what was going on around me. I heard the saw, felt the hammer and I distinctly remember hearing the surgeon remarking to his assistant, “Yep, that’s about right.” About...