Oriented Times Three

When emergency personnel want to quickly evaluate the mental condition of someone struggling, they do a quick assessment called “Oriented Times Three.”  They ask the person a series of easy questions. They want to know if the man or woman in question knows who...

Pack for the Journey

Every day when you and I head out the door of our room, apartment or house we take with us whatever we think we will need for the day. We might carry things in a purse, a briefcase, a satchel or maybe just our pockets. But for sure, we “pack for the day’s journey.” I...

For Thine is the Power

I just finished teaching a series on the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6/Luke 11). My last lesson featured the words of the doxology that finishes off that section of scripture: “For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever more. Amen” (Now I realize that...


Brenda Jones is a 69 year-old great-grandmother from Texas. She spent over a year on the donor wait list hoping for a new liver. And then the wonderful phone call came; they had a viable liver for her. But just down the road a bit, a 23 year-old named Abigail Flores...

Parenting Out of Fear

This week I had the opportunity to speak to a room full of millennial moms. I started my talk this way… “Once upon a time, in a land right around the corner lived a whole community filled with very loving and well-intended mothers. These moms waited and chose to...

Betsie and the Fleas

Recently, I was teaching some students about Corrie Ten Boom (the Dutch woman who survived the concentration camp at Ravensbruck and had an amazing ministry afterwards). While researching some details, I came across a neat story about Corrie and her sister, Betsie. It...