
Last week was Easter. It is the high point on the Christian calendar. On Friday our attention was on the sacrificial death of Christ. The cross and our Savior’s crucifixion represent the payment that was paid in full for our sin debt. Mercy was extended to us on...


John wrote to the church at Laodicea and gave them the injunction, “…so be zealous and repent.” That word “zealous” is a pretty old-fashioned term. Today we might substitute in the word “fanatical.” But in our culture, being a fanatic isn’t generally regarded as a...

A Visit with God in the Park

There is a cool story about a little boy who wanted to meet God. Apparently, he knew that God lived a long way away, so he packed his suitcase with cookies and some root beer and took off. After three blocks or so, he met an old lady in the park. She was just sitting...

Four Ways God Answers Prayer

Somewhere towards the end of his life, David inserted Psalm 61 into his “song book.”  In addition to the words, he included some notes for the director and gave some direction to the stringed instruments. But the part that caught my eye was the direct appeal to...

A Moment of Repentance

All around us marriages are dissolving, friendships are falling apart, businesses are closing and ministries are ending. There are all kinds of reasons for such a society-wide moment of dysfunction. But I might suggest that at the core of it all, is a resistance to...

The Marks of Jesus

Years ago, I read about a child who was disfigured. He had a huge red mark splattered across his face. But he wasn’t challenged by it at all.  In fact, he wore it as a badge of honor. You see, when he was a young boy, his father started telling him that those...