Looking for Donkeys

Our staff does devotions together twice a week and this morning one of the teachers was sharing out of I Samuel 9. The primary focus of that story is Samuel anointing Saul as King. But that chapter has so much more to say to the busy, distracted, weary hearts of men...

Intimacy with Christ

Been thinking some about my own walk with the Lord. I long for a closeness with my Savior. And I came across an old teaching outline of mine that discussed some circles of intimacy outlined in both the Old Testament. It was instructive. So, I pass some thoughts along…...

Forgiveness at Thanksgiving

In just a few weeks, we will all be eating my favorite meal of the year. It doesn’t get any better than turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, corn, and pumpkin pie! But Thanksgiving starts the “holidays” and they are difficult for many people. With such a focus on...

Look Up

As I am writing this article, I can hear an old hymn running through my mind. In part it says, “Look and live, my brother live. Look to Jesus now and live. It’s recorded in His word hallelujah, it is only that you look and live.” That hymn reflects a story about the...

The Example of George Mueller

I am often encouraged in my Christian walk with the stories of folks who have gone before us. George Mueller is one of my favorites. He was born in 1805 in Prussia but moved to England as a young man. The story goes that he lived a pretty godless life until he was...

The Exchanged Life

Seasoned believers are familiar with the seminal verse found in Galatians chapter two: “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself...