After Graduation

After Graduation

High school and college graduations  have been so different this year. There have been celebrations at home, some schools have hand delivered the diplomas, some showed videos of all the graduates or invited famous speakers to give the address online.  A...


I was reading my copy of the latest Biola magazine this last week and came across some incredibly insightful remarks. A Biola grad, Cassidy Ray, wrote an article entitled, “When Tragedy Hit, So Did a Cascade of Grace.” She was sharing how hard it has been since the...

We Need Prayer

Our world needs to kneel in prayer. We need, desperately need, to be immersed in prayer. We need to be in the midst of a flowing conversation with our heavenly Father. We need to talk to Him, talk about Him and sit still long enough for Him to talk to us. We need...

Enslaved by Sin

I love history. And a story about a 14th century Duke of Belgium recently caught my eye. It seems that Raynald III was in a violent quarrel with his younger brother, Edward. Eventually, Edward won the struggle and captured Raynard. But Edward was a smart guy. He knew...

Slow Down the Multitasking

I am a multi-tasker. I brag about being able to juggle more than one thing at a time. And I am not unusual. Many in our culture feel the same way. We like being able to spin lots of plates. In fact, we value that skill above many others. It makes us feel important....

We Need the Music

Years ago, when I was trying (unsuccessfully) to learn how to play the piano, my teacher remarked that she could hear the notes, but there was no music coming forth. Well, I found a story this week that reflects that same sentiment. It seems that a husband decided he...