Common Courtesy

Common Courtesy

While watching the evening news the other night, I couldn’t help but notice that NEWS by definition is NOT positive. The entire broadcast was consumed with doom and gloom until they got to the very last segment. Suddenly it was peaches and cream reporting. The “happy...
Let’s Be Satisfied

Let’s Be Satisfied

I admire people who can just take a taste of something and stop. I have a friend who can take three small chocolate morsels out of the Nestle’s bag, drop them in her mouth and be totally satisfied with her “sweet moment.” Not me! I eat popcorn by the fistful. I am not...
The Scenic Route

The Scenic Route

Some of my dear friends used to live in Newport, Oregon. And I loved to go visit them. If the demands of life were crowding in on me and I was short on time, I would jump in my car and barrel up Interstate 5. But if I had a few extra days and needed to unwind a bit, I...
A God Given Timeout

A God Given Timeout

Probably everyone who has had the joy (and challenge) of trying to raise a child has employed the use of a timeout as a means to help the child achieve some self-discipline. A timeout (when utilized properly) gives a kid a chance to self-correct. It’s an opportunity...
Insulting God

Insulting God

If you have been reading my musings for a while, you know that I am a sports enthusiast. That world often highlights Biblical principles for me to consider. And last week, there was another one. Golf is back…and the big tournament, the PGA was recently played. The...
It’s Time for Some Celebrations

It’s Time for Some Celebrations

I recently had a wonderful vacation with some friends. We went “glamping” in an RV and trailer to Yellowstone and Mount Rushmore. And we had a great time. But when I got home, I slowly started sliding into a bit of a funk. I had to cancel some other travel plans, my...