Chief Cornerstone or Stumbling Block

Chief Cornerstone or Stumbling Block

It really is quite amazing how massive buildings were erected down through the ages. I can’t hardly imagine how they moved those huge, heavy blocks into position. But one thing I do know, each ancient structure had two stones of significance, a cornerstone and a...
“Not My Job”

“Not My Job”

When asked to clear the dishwasher, it might be pretty normal to hear one of the kids holler, “It’s not my turn.” At work, we might over hear a co-worker point out, “That just isn’t in my job description.” Or a spouse might complain to their better half, “Aren’t you...
Being “Sorry” Isn’t Enough

Being “Sorry” Isn’t Enough

As a school administrator, I have heard hundreds of kids mutter the word “sorry” as if that two- syllable utterance automatically covered a multitude of sins. Parents hear it all the time, too. One brother punches another, gets caught and flippantly declares, “Sorry...
Defining Our Experiences

Defining Our Experiences

Since I am a wordsmith, I love definitions. I saw a funny one the other day. The word was “notriphobia.” Apparently, it means the fear of not having any trips booked. And during COVID,  I can certainly attest that I currently have “notriphobia.” But seriously,...
An Active Waiting Period

An Active Waiting Period

No one likes to wait. It doesn’t matter if we are sitting in our car, standing in a line or outlasting a recording on the telephone. No one likes to wait. At our core, I think we all are convinced that our time, our lives, our positions, and our decisions are far more...
Two are Better than One

Two are Better than One

I have been learning (or re-learning) all kinds of things during the last 6 months. And perhaps the most important thing has to do with relationships. My thoughts center around that very familiar verse in Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 that starts with “two are better than...