No Hoarding Financial Resources

No Hoarding Financial Resources

Several years ago, Chuck Swindoll wrote about Bertha Adams, a 71-year-old who died alone in West Palm Beach, Florida. The coroner’s report cited the cause of death to be malnutrition. At the end, she weighed only 50 pounds. When the authorities began to dig through...
His Masterpiece

His Masterpiece

In Ephesians 2:10, Paul wrote, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Many translations translate that key word as “workmanship.” We are created much like a clay pot is made at the hands of a...
“God’s Muchness at Easter”

“God’s Muchness at Easter”

The story at Easter time is captured in Eph. 2:4-5, “But because of His great love for us, God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions, it is by grace you have been saved.” The root word for “great love“ carries the...
Saying A lot in One Word

Saying A lot in One Word

In 1499, Michelangelo created a statue of Mary cradling the body of Jesus for a funeral monument of the French Cardinal Jean de Bilheres. It is an extraordinary sculpture depicting the scene right after the crucifixion. Mary is sitting on a rock with the lifeless body...
You are Dead

You are Dead

Declaring someone to be dead, doesn’t always make it so. In 1937, a Frenchman, Angelo Hays, was racing his motorcycle and crashed into a brick wall headfirst. There were many injuries, and the doctors could not feel a pulse, so he was declared dead. His family held a...
Forget About the Easter Bunny

Forget About the Easter Bunny

A recent edition of the magazine, Christianity Today carried an article about the history of the Easter Bunny. According to that article, the first mention of that furry hare was in 692 with the church council in Constantinople attempting to ensure that religious...