Isle of Discussion

Isle of Discussion

I love Scotland. (Truth is, I love the British Isles. Period.) I love the tea, really like the breakfasts and enjoy the weather. And I truly appreciate some of the nuances of their culture. The local pub thing (perhaps without the alcohol) is a great idea. I dig all...
The Look

The Look

There is a high school in Texas that has been struggling with ugly student behaviors. The students have been particularly mean spirited lately with lots of bullying, physical fighting, name calling and skipping classes. The community met together to discuss how to...
The Bible Has Some Errors (NOT…)

The Bible Has Some Errors (NOT…)

Over the years, I have often run into folks that do not want to discuss God’s Word because they are convinced that it is chock-full of errors. I always grin when I get that response and follow up with a comment and a question: “Ok, I get it. Could we start with you...
Encouragement from Others

Encouragement from Others

Buried at the end of the book of Colossians (while the credits are rolling), Paul calls out some greetings to a number of friends and fellow workers. Although there are a number of men whose names we might not be familiar with, this section strikes me as very...
Bummer Lambs

Bummer Lambs

A lamb may be rejected by his ewe mother for any number of reasons. Sometimes, she senses that the lamb has some kind of birth defect. Maybe they are a twin and she can only serve one new lamb. Or maybe they are rejected because she can’t feed them properly. But once...
Dad Was a Lot of Fun

Dad Was a Lot of Fun

There is a very cool story told in Bruce Larson’s book, The One and Only You (retold in Swindoll’s book, The Tale of the Tardy Oxcart). It seems that a family in Alabama planned a very special summer vacation visiting the West Coast. Unfortunately, though, the dad was...