Let It Be

Let It Be

There is an interesting “back story” to the Beatles’ hit song, “Let it Be.” It was the last song that was released before Paul announced his departure from the band. Many listeners believed that the lyrics were referring to Mary, the mother of Jesus. And today it is...


I recently sat on a jury. It was a criminal trial that lasted three days. When we first adjourned to the jury room for deliberations, our initial vote was 4 guilty and 8 not guilty. And the two camps seemed far apart in their opinions. As the hours went by, I began to...
The Workplace

The Workplace

“High Ho, High Ho, it’s off to work we go…” Just like the seven dwarfs, most of us are committed to work at least five days a week. We might still be in our PJs and in our home offices, but we are committed to 40 or 50 years of some kind of performance for a pay...
Too Self Sufficient

Too Self Sufficient

Recently I came across some remarks that Abraham Lincoln made regarding our national Thanksgiving celebrations. His remarks caused me to pause and think. He said: “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many...
Meaningful Prayer

Meaningful Prayer

This week is Thanksgiving and among the interesting things that may go on around your holiday table are the humorous prayers of those who do not normally talk to the Lord. I am not endorsing the film, but consider the silly meanderings of Greg Focker in the film Meet...
Jesus Is Calling

Jesus Is Calling

When I was a kid and the phone rang in our house, it was my job to answer it. And it went something like this: “Good morning. Worel’s residence, Sherry speaking.” And after pleasantries were exchanged, I would go on to say, “May I please say who is calling?” You see,...