Open Wide Your Mouth

Open Wide Your Mouth

Recently, Elizabeth Bonker gave the valedictorian speech at Rollins College in Florida. No doubt the audience expected the usual sophomoric enthusiasm that regularly comes from these graduations. What made her speech different is the fact that she can not talk....
The Good News

The Good News

A couple of weeks ago, I had lunch with a dear friend who was recently given a diagnosis that suggests she only has 8 more months to live. A day or two later, I had coffee with a friend who is enduring a second round of cancer. That same day, I chatted with my buddy...


Spring seems to have sprung in most parts of the US. Fledgling plants are peaking up through the soil, temperatures are inching up and most of us are starting to spend some time outdoors. In the Bible, spring came in the month of Nissan. And Jerusalem would get packed...
Living in a Spiritual Bubble

Living in a Spiritual Bubble

In the gospel of John chapter ten, Jesus states that the devil is a thief and he comes to steal, kill and destroy the lives of believers. But He contrasts that doom and gloom with this promise: “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more...


It is the week after Easter, so very likely this past Sunday we all sang Charles Wesley’s famous hymn, “Christ the Lord is Risen Today.” It is an incredible song that reminds us all of the power and implications of Christ’s resurrection. There are some cool things to...
We are Not Home Yet

We are Not Home Yet

I have some friends who have been missionaries for 30 some years. They just recently returned from overseas and are experiencing quite the culture shock. Their estimate of what a car should cost was woefully understated in their budget. What they expected a house to...