Dyed with Words

Dyed with Words

Dyed with Words Paul Tripp in his book, War of Words says, “Every day of our lives is filled with talk. Every moment is infected with talk. Every relationship and situation is dyed with words.” What we say and how we say them literally stains every aspect of our...
A Flickering Candle

A Flickering Candle

As an avid reader, I have some preferences. I really do love a good biography. I will read about  kings, queens, sports figures and the like. But my all-time favorites are stories about missionaries, church leaders and scholars who commit their lives to Godly...
Doctrine and Love

Doctrine and Love

I recently was reading about the famed football player, Tom Brady. The article was listing all the things that he avoids in his diet. One of them is alkaline salt. (I had to look up that one. Apparently it isn’t good for your bones.) You might already know that table...


Not too long ago, I was doing some self-assessments. And I realized that although I spend a great deal of time in the scriptures, I am often looking for content. I am like those baleen whales that suck in tons of sea water, spit it out through their teeth and the...
All of You, Be Compassionate

All of You, Be Compassionate

This week our nation is reeling from another terrible tragedy. And, the cacophony of voices offering solutions is loud. We definitely need legal protections for our citizens. We must address the mental health needs of our people.  Ignoring or marginalizing the...
Dealing with Tough Conversations

Dealing with Tough Conversations

From time to time, we all have serious conflict with those around us. You want your child to choose college, but they want a surfing career. Your daughter brings home the “wrong guy.” Your employer requires sensitivity training that promotes principles the Bible...