Set a Guard Over my Mouth

Set a Guard Over my Mouth

Our tongue gets us in trouble. No, I am not talking about those eight muscles that manipulate food for swallowing and help form words for speaking. No, I am talking about the analogies that James gives us in chapter three of his epistle (the bit and bridle with a...
Do We (really) Love Him?

Do We (really) Love Him?

In Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love, there is a section entitled, “When you are in love.” In it, Chan makes the case that folks in love act differently than those who are not in a committed relationship. He says, “When you are truly in love, you go to great lengths to...
Faith that can be Followed

Faith that can be Followed

In the recently released “Top Gun: Maverick” movie, Maverick is tasked with teaching a select group of young, “hot shot” aviators how to fly an impossible route and blow up an important military target. It is a target that everyone believes is impossible to hit. They...
Dead Faith

Dead Faith

There are many interesting stories told about the 16th century Protestant Reformation leader, Martin Luther. Although he was a monk, Luther struggled with many of the theological positions of the Roman Catholic Church. His own salvation came as he wrestled with the...
The Joy of the Lord

The Joy of the Lord

The writer F.W. Boreham wrote about an old Scottish woman who was very poor and living alone. “But she carefully tithed what little she had and gave to the church. When unable to attend service, she expected a deacon to drop by and collect her offering. The deacon...
The Pendulum Test

The Pendulum Test

A student wanted to prove the point that what we believe, really believe in our hearts and minds makes a difference in our behavior. He decided to use a pendulum to prove his case. First, he reminded them that, a “pendulum can never return to a point higher than the...