Be a Reader

Be a Reader

I just sent my Goddaughter a cute cartoon that showed someone curled up in an easy chair with a book in her hand. The caption read, “Drink your coffee, read your books, it’s chaos out there.” I am thinking that might be great advice for all of us this Monday morning,...


I have been doing some reading about simplicity. You might know that Steve Jobs had a very limited wardrobe. He routinely wore a black turtleneck sweater from Issey Miyake, Levi’s 501 blue jeans and New Balance sneakers. Apparently, Einstein only owned several...
The Ministry of the Shut Down

The Ministry of the Shut Down

As I grew up in my first church, I heard a lot about a group of people known as the “shut ins.” These were usually older folks who had health issues and just couldn’t get out and about. But recently I have been thinking about folks who are “shut down.” Although some...


Recently, I have been planning another trip to Alaska. (Yes, it is one of my absolute favorite places on earth!) And when I think about those steely grey mountains and deep blue waters, I also think about those magnificent birds, the bald eagles. Those sea eagles are...


I love stories about the royal family and one of their most prized character qualities is timeliness. They are known to arrive and depart from all appointments and events on time. But apparently there was one glaring exception to that rule. It happened on January 27,...


Let me share some interesting thoughts about languages. Did you know that the Scots have 421 different Scottish Gaelic snow-related words? The school kids only need to know one: “Tomorrow is a Snow Day!” The country with the most official languages is Zimbabwe. They...