Forget About the Easter Bunny

Forget About the Easter Bunny

A recent edition of the magazine, Christianity Today carried an article about the history of the Easter Bunny. According to that article, the first mention of that furry hare was in 692 with the church council in Constantinople attempting to ensure that religious...
Meaningful Prayer

Meaningful Prayer

Almost every child that I have ever had the privilege to hear pray, starts their prayer with, “Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day…” Somewhere down the line, they have heard adults pray and now they are patterning their communication with God with an...


Yahweh gave the Israelites Ten Commandments. But in order to “keep” them, rabbis down through the ages have “condensed” those ten commandments into a mere 613 rules to live by. Modern living has further complicated things, so now those 613 rules are interpreted by...
Growing Old Together

Growing Old Together

Recently, I had the opportunity to spend time with some wonderful friends whom I have known for 20-30 years. You can imagine the memories we share. We remember how each of us came to know the Lord. We remember being there when the first of our kids became a teenager...
What’s Next?

What’s Next?

I have a terminal disease. Now before you grab for your phone to reach out and love on me a bit, stop and consider the truth that we all have a terminal disease. To help build and maintain perspective, ancient merchants used to write on the front page of their...
We Wet Our Pants Once Too!

We Wet Our Pants Once Too!

I love this story. It begins with a nine-year-old boy sitting at a desk in a third-grade classroom. Suddenly, there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has...