Living in a Spiritual Bubble

Living in a Spiritual Bubble

In the gospel of John chapter ten, Jesus states that the devil is a thief and he comes to steal, kill and destroy the lives of believers. But He contrasts that doom and gloom with this promise: “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more...


It is the week after Easter, so very likely this past Sunday we all sang Charles Wesley’s famous hymn, “Christ the Lord is Risen Today.” It is an incredible song that reminds us all of the power and implications of Christ’s resurrection. There are some cool things to...
We are Not Home Yet

We are Not Home Yet

I have some friends who have been missionaries for 30 some years. They just recently returned from overseas and are experiencing quite the culture shock. Their estimate of what a car should cost was woefully understated in their budget. What they expected a house to...
What is in your Lunch Box?

What is in your Lunch Box?

Do you remember what your first lunch box was like? Some Boomers will shout out, “We just had brown bags!” I too remember a sandwich wrapped in wax paper in a tan bag. But then the metal boxes came along. And each fall, I got to pick the theme for my new lunch box....
A Cross Shaped Vision

A Cross Shaped Vision

I love the British Isles. Lived there as a kid, did my senior year of high school in a boarding school north of London and have visited many times since. While I delight in the English countryside, the quaint villages, the flower pots and row houses shoved together, I...
Homesick for Heaven

Homesick for Heaven

I have just started teaching a new Bible study series on Heaven. And last week, we explored the penetrating question, “Are you homesick for heaven?” I started my remarks with the statement that we all were made for another world. This experience we are currently...