

Not too long ago, I was doing some self-assessments. And I realized that although I spend a great deal of time in the scriptures, I am often looking for content. I am like those baleen whales that suck in tons of sea water, spit it out through their teeth and the...
All of You, Be Compassionate

All of You, Be Compassionate

This week our nation is reeling from another terrible tragedy. And, the cacophony of voices offering solutions is loud. We definitely need legal protections for our citizens. We must address the mental health needs of our people.  Ignoring or marginalizing the...
Dealing with Tough Conversations

Dealing with Tough Conversations

From time to time, we all have serious conflict with those around us. You want your child to choose college, but they want a surfing career. Your daughter brings home the “wrong guy.” Your employer requires sensitivity training that promotes principles the Bible...
Open Wide Your Mouth

Open Wide Your Mouth

Recently, Elizabeth Bonker gave the valedictorian speech at Rollins College in Florida. No doubt the audience expected the usual sophomoric enthusiasm that regularly comes from these graduations. What made her speech different is the fact that she can not talk....
The Good News

The Good News

A couple of weeks ago, I had lunch with a dear friend who was recently given a diagnosis that suggests she only has 8 more months to live. A day or two later, I had coffee with a friend who is enduring a second round of cancer. That same day, I chatted with my buddy...


Spring seems to have sprung in most parts of the US. Fledgling plants are peaking up through the soil, temperatures are inching up and most of us are starting to spend some time outdoors. In the Bible, spring came in the month of Nissan. And Jerusalem would get packed...