The Power of our Words

The Power of our Words

I read a cool story this week. It was about the famous American painter, Benjamin West. Apparently when he was a child, he decided to paint a picture of his sister. His mom wasn’t home, so he got the bottles of ink down himself and started his creative “masterpiece.”...
The Deep Water is Getting into the Shallow Water

The Deep Water is Getting into the Shallow Water

Recently, a number of my personal friends have been struggling with a wide array of challenges. Some of the pressure has come from physical issues. Some of the strain has appeared because of COVID related work situations. Some are dealing with mental health issues and...
My Way, The Highway or His Way

My Way, The Highway or His Way

One of the strongest arguments for the authenticity of the Bible is the fact that God included the not-so-wonderful parts of the story of His people. He didn’t just present His people as perfect, He made sure that we also get to see His men and women preforming at...
Disagreeing, Agreeably

Disagreeing, Agreeably

Most of our Bibles catalog Acts 15 with the title, “The Council at Jerusalem.” But I am thinking that we ought to re-title the chapter, “How to Have a Really Big Disagreement in a Very Spiritual Way.” Re-read this chapter and take a few moments to review some of the...
Change the Narrative in Your Head

Change the Narrative in Your Head

If I had to define courage, I might say that it is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to trust the Lord to do what He asks us to do. That process of trusting Him in the face of serious difficulty is a tough one. And it is often made more difficult because of...


The party aboard ship was in full swing. Speeches were being made by the captain, the crew and the quests enjoying the week-long voyage. Sitting at the head table was a seventy-year-old man who, somewhat embarrassed, was doing his best to accept the praise being...