Do What You Can

Commenting on our present Covid-19 circumstances, Jon Bon Jovi is quoted as saying, “You can’t do what you do, you do what you can.” That phrase, “You do what you can” has been bouncing in my mind for the last few days.  It made me think of some missionaries who...

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

There are a number of specific routine activities that doctors and care facilities assess to make sure people are able to care for themselves. These daily routines fall into a few categories like, personal hygiene, dressing, eating, mobility and so on. In the past,...

How are we to live with the Coronavirus?

About a year ago, I visited Oxford, England and made a point to go show my friend one of the local pubs, The Eagle and Child. It is a very non-descript little hangout with a few booths where people can meet and discuss the affairs of the day. Some 72 years ago, C.S....

The Cloud and the Pillar Moved

Even a casual “Sunday School attender” knows that God led the children of Israel through the desert by a cloud and a pillar. The cloud led them during the day, and the pillar of fire led them at night. There was light and direction for their journey-day and night. But...

Dealing with Fears (like the Corona Virus)

According to at least one site, the number one video that went viral in 2019 was a 17 second clip that showed a dad dragging his daughter through an airport. He had a grip on the hood of her little pink jacket and she was just lying flat, gliding across the floor. No...

Spiritual Discipline

Last week, I got to have lunch with my God-daughter. We both had reason to be in San Francisco and arranged for a fun lunch at the Ferry Building. As we were driving over there, she reminded her grandmother and I that she had to take a conference call during our lunch...