What to Ask for

Please forgive a moment of personal reflection…the past four months have been some of the most challenging of my entire life. My struggles to recuperate from my 5th knee replacement have been significant. Understandably, my prayer life has reflected those...

The Quality of our Words

No one reading this article will be shocked to learn that women talk more than men. But I was curious about any research that might offer some definitive support for that widely held opinion. Apparently, many authors have addressed this issue and attempted to...

Our Heavenly Father is Listening

When placed on hold, on the telephone, I often hear a common refrain, “this call may be recorded for quality assurance.” Now I am not sure what kind of quality assurance is required from a doctor’s office, a bank or a phone company but at the very least, I knew...

Don’t Just Say Something Encouraging, Do Something!

I have been blessed with a lot of good training in my Christian life. I have been mentored by some of the best “encouragers” in the world. And one of the primary lessons I have been taught had to do with action versus words. A great encourager doesn’t just listen or...