Keep Your Friends Close and Your “Enemies” Closer

Stop by any family restaurant on a school night and you’ll be able to see a classic exchange (actually the lack thereof) between parents and teenagers. Buried behind that diminutive phone screen are the eyes of a detached young girl or boy. They do not appear to be...

Spiritual “Check Engine Lights”

A team of scientists from Stanford University is focused on taking fitness trackers up a notch. They are researching the use of wearable sensors that could be personalized to sense a person’s heart rate, blood oxygen levels, skin temperature and other biometrics....

Nothing is Too Hard for God

There is an amazing object lesson tucked into the book of Jeremiah that is very pertinent to today’s tumultuous culture. Let me share the historical context. Judah (the two tribes in the southern part of Israel) was warring with Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon’s king...

Give Me that Hill Country

Last week Adele Dunlap, the oldest American resident (she was 114 in December) died. About the same time, I read an article about an English gerontologist, Aubrey de Grey who published a scientific paper 15 years ago in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences....

Whining and Grumbling

Social media today is awash with whining, grumbling and complaining. So much so that a friend recently was begging her online friends to go back to posting boring pictures of meals or feet in the sand rather than all the political diatribes. The Hebrew term for...

Forgetting What is Behind

I am convinced that one of the top 5 mistakes modern Christians make is the constant focus on our past. The apostle Paul must have thought it was a big deal too. In the book of Philippians, he exhorts us to “forget what is behind and strain for what lies ahead…”...