My New Watch

  I got a new watch during my trip to Israel. And it is different. It does not have any numbers on its face. Instead, it has the first twelve letters of the Hebrew alphabet. So why don’t the Jews use numbers? There is a very interesting ancient tradition not to...

The Hulda Gates

I just came back from another amazing trip to Israel. There is so much to process and even more to apply. But one pressing reflection has to do with our coming celebration of Easter and a few gates visible on the southern steps of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Named...

Just Pedal

In Tim Hansel’s book Holy Sweat, Tim reflects on his relationship with the Lord in a way that most of us can relate to. He says, “At first, I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when...

The Effects of Generosity

I recently had a conversation with a friend on the topic of generosity. He was sharing some of the physiological impacts of living a generous life style. Studies with burn victims or others who have been seriously harmed in an encounter show that people actually heal...

The Right Hand

Apparently a mix of genetic and environmental factors determines whether we are right or left handed. The majority of Americans are right handed, but 15% are left-handed. According to a study done at the St. Lawrence University in New York, “lefties” have two times...

Our Most Frequent Sin

Pastor John MacArthur once said, “Worry is the sin of distrusting the promise and providence of God. And yet, it is a sin that Christians commit perhaps more frequently than any other.” We know it is wrong. In point of fact, it is a sin.  It robs us of our trusting...