The Prodigal wasn’t Prodigal!

Ever since I became a follower of Christ, I believed that the term “prodigal” (used in the story about the lost son in Luke 15) meant something like scoundrel or wayward child. I thought it carried the idea of a son “gone bad.” But I heard a message recently by Buddy...

Love is not…

We are all very familiar with many of the positive statements in I Corinthians 13. We know that love is patient, love is kind, and love believes all things and hopes all things. But I am convinced that many of us are not as familiar with the things love is not. This...

No More Insults

I saw a headline the other day that deeply disturbed me, and not because of the political implications (heaven knows we are all bombarded with enough of that kind of input). But as an influencer of children, I was really concerned. The headline read “329 people,...

Dealing with Our Fears

We live in a very fearful society. A glance at today’s headlines reveals why. Consider this one: “With every missile test, the leader of North Korea moves closer to his stated goal of a preemptive nuclear strike against American cities.” (Great! Annihilation.) Ponder...

The Faith of a Mustard Seed

Dr. William Leslie came from Ontario, Canada. He was a pharmacist. After he came to Christ in 1888, he began to serve as a medical missionary with the American Baptist Missionary Union. He served overseas for 35 years. For the last 17 years, he worked with tribal...


  Apparently there are all kinds of blindness. There is color blindness; there is a condition called “prosopagnosia,” which is the inability to recognize faces and there is  “object agnosia” which doesn’t allow people to recognize common objects, like their own...