Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication

Life magazine used to have some amazing pictures. The spreads would depict everyday life in such a positive way. Families were nestled around the dinner table, couples looked longingly into each other’s eyes and grandparents showed their delight as they pushed the...

Our Citizenship

Tomorrow we celebrate our independence. In June 1776, representatives from the 13 colonies met as the Continental Congress in order to consider our nation’s options. On July 2nd, they voted for independence from Great Britain. And two days later on the fourth, they...

His Name Written Over Mine

Years ago, a teenager named Brian Moore wrote an essay on what he thought heaven will be like.  In part, he wrote: “In that place between wakefulness and dreams, I found myself in the room. One wall was covered with small index card files. They stretched from floor to...

Snow Dogs (and other problems)

About 15 years ago Disney pictures produced a fun movie called “Snow Dogs”.  It was the story of a successful suburban dentist who inherited a dogsled team and a rustic cabin up in Alaska. The movie humorously chronicled his attempts to master the sport of dog...

Talking to Yourself

A recent scientific study asserts that talking to yourself is really not a sign of madness, but rather it might indicate that you are “smarter than the average bear.” Truth is lots of us make fun of others who talk out loud to themselves. But the experts at Bangor...

It’s Not About ‘You;’ It’s About ‘Y All’

The other day, a prospective parent at Stoneybrooke asked me where I was from. He heard a “y all” in my conversation and assumed I was from the south. Truth be known, I think I have a southern British accent from the islands (Hawaii), reflecting all the moving around...