Secure Your Own Mask First

I am certain that we have all heard this announcement as we settled in for a flight. The script goes like this: Oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored. In the event of loss of cabin pressure, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you. To...

Confessing Sin

This last week I had the opportunity to speak at a local church’s women’s group. Out of all the things I might have addressed, I got assigned SIN! More specifically, I was asked to speak on I John 1:5-10 and the importance of confessing our sin. (Admittedly not a very...

Blessed Bubble

Recently, I have been having some lingering significant pulmonary issues. So last week, I had to spend seven hours in our local emergency room. While I was there, the doctors ruled out all kinds of nasty possibilities and sent me home with tons of medicine and...


No doubt we can all vividly remember exactly what we were doing years ago on that difficult September 11th. And if we are old enough, chances are we can also remember exactly where we were and what they were doing the day President Kennedy was shot and the morning of...


As I begin my 35th year at Stoneybrooke, I have been doing quite a bit of wandering “down memory lane.” Being the head of such an amazing school and ministering along side such amazing people has created quite a mental warehouse full of choice recollections. At staff...

Longing for Home

On one of my summer trips, I had the opportunity to visit Alaska again (definitely my “happy place”). At almost every stream I passed, I got to see that annual trek of salmon making their way back to the place where they were hatched. It is an amazing journey. Sockeye...