I Asked

I am one of those left brained gals who loves charts and graphs. I got to thinking about my prayer life and wondered what it might look like in chart form. Specifically, I wondered what I pray for most. If I could review my prayer subjects, I’m sure the chart would...

Serenity Prayer

Everyone has probably heard the ‘Serenity Prayer” that is used in many of the well known 12 step programs. It says, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. One of...

Employee Reviews

I have been involved in preparing some employee reviews lately. These are serious responsibilities of supervisors everywhere. But I found an old article that was taken from some actual Federal employee reviews, and it sure made me laugh. It says in part: “Since my...

Measure Twice, Cut Once

If you have ever done any home repair jobs, tinkered with a wood working project, made anything from a pattern, you know the expression “measure twice, cut once.” It is an injunction to be careful about your preparation. Preparation is often more important than the...

Growing in Gratitude

Not sure who originally said it, but it’s true: if you ain’t growing, you’re dying. And that sentiment applies to growing in gratitude as well. It’s just too easy to slide into a mindset of grumbling (on the inside or outwardly). Tough stuff happens everyday to...

Mamas, Keep Raising Gentlemen

This last week I spent some extended time up at a science camp with a bunch of sixth graders. The program is fabulous and the mountain setting was great. But the very best part was the opportunity to spend extended time with the kids. Kids are kids, and just because...