Skipping Work

In February of this year, a 69-year-old Spanish man was fired after his employers discovered that he hadn’t actually shown up to work for at least the past 6 years! But the best part of the story is how they figured out he was shirking his responsibilities....

How Long, Lord?

In Revelation Chapter 6, the souls of those who have been slain because of the Word of God cry out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” That verse came screaming back into the...

“I Have Seen the Lord”

This is the time of the year when so many of us read and reread the Biblical account of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. This year, a phrase jumped off the page and hit me right between my proverbial eyes. It is in John 20 in the section where Jesus appears to...

Let’s Revive a Dirty Word

Years ago, my goddaughter came home and declared that the kids at school were using the “S” word. Since I am the superintendent of that school, I got the hackles up on the back of my neck and demanded to know who was using such a dirty word. As I chuckled under my...

Packing our Coffins

Apparently, when early missionaries were sent to Africa, many of them packed and shipped all their belongings and supplies in a coffin. At the end of their lives, those same coffins were used for the missionary’s own burial. You talk about commitment and dedication!...

Stephen, Please Call Your Mom

Recently, some handmade cardboard signs have been popping up around the train station in San Juan Capistrano. They very simply say “Stephen, please call your mom.” Now I have no idea who Stephen is, no idea about his age or the circumstances that have estranged him...