Proud to be a Christian (and an American)

Likely as you read these words, it is July 4th, the celebration of the birth of our nation. In the summer of 1776, the Second Continental Congress met and on July 2nd, they voted on a resolution declaring our independence from Great Britain. Two days later, they...

The Size of Home Plate (and other non-negotiables)

I read a story in social media about a motivational speaker (John Scolinos) who spoke to a large convention of baseball coaches. Apparently, he started his talk by asking how wide the home plate is in Little League. The participants answered, “seventeen inches.” Then...

Restraining Order Against God

A few weeks ago, an Israeli man presented a petition in a local court asking for a restraining order against God. He claimed that the Lord had been particularly unkind to him over the last three years. It was interesting to note that God did not show up to defend...

Our Source of Comfort

This past weekend, I had to jump on a plane to Denver to care for my Dad who had a stroke. It was a pretty stressful few days interfacing with doctors, therapists and hospital staff. I wanted to make sure he was receiving excellent care. I was concerned about my step...

Thy Word Have I Hid in My Heart

After World War II, there was a concerted effort to reunite displaced Jewish children with their parents or relatives. Thousands of kids were hidden from the Nazis on farms, in cellars and in convents all across Europe. A particular Rabbi, Eliezer Silver headed up...

Hearing (and responding) to God’s Voice

Some recent neurological studies out of Stanford suggest that when a mother speaks, a kid’s brain will light up like a Christmas tree.  Apparently it takes less than one second for a child to recognize his or her mom’s voice (with 97% accuracy) and begin to process...