One Size Doesn’t Fit All

In my Bible study last week, I was teaching on I Samuel 17 and the story of David and Goliath. Although everyone is generally aware of the story line, I enjoyed pointing out some details. For example, we talked about how Jesse (David’s dad) referred to him as the...

I am Not Afraid

Like everyone else, I have been closely following the recent events in France. Seeing that extremely large crowd marching in solidarity was powerful. But the most moving visual element was the sign draped around the fountain that read, “I am not afraid.” The French...

The Dog Ate It

Being a school administrator, I thought I had heard all the classic “The Dog Ate It” stories. But not too long ago I saw a brief article that told of a 3 year old Great Dane that was hospitalized in Portland, Oregon. It seems that when they opened up the dog, they...

The Year of “Shalom”

I am suggesting that we all declare 2015 the year of Shalom. I got the idea from Jon Wallace, the President of Azusa Pacific University. This fall, he led the APU community into an intentional “rhythm of life that provides for both a passion for vocation and a place...