Investing in Others

A week or two ago, I had a forthright conversation with a financial advisor. With retirement in mind, we were consumed with looking at the dollars saved, rates of return, fees associated with the process and so on. And of course, such financial investments are...

Title or Testimony

Earlier this week, someone humorously referred to me as the “Grand Poobah” of Stoneybrooke. Among my official and unofficial titles, that one has to be one of the funniest! But, we all have titles: mom, dad, teacher, plumber, missionary, doctor, sister, office...

Unconditional Love: “Dvu”

This week, I just had to share a remarkable story that came from a Wycliffe Missionary…”God’s love story is now available to 29,000 Hdi speakers of Cameroon through the recently published Hdi New Testament!  In the translation process, the national translators...

One Word

At the beginning of a new year, we all tend to make a rather long list of resolutions. We have a whole rash of shortcomings that need our attention. Too often though, we get overwhelmed and begin to ignore that long list. “My One Word” is a ministry that would like to...

Our Legacy

Years ago, life coaches and other personal consultants used to talk a lot about the stages of our lives. They highlighted the fact that after the drive for success that consumes most of our earning years, we all ought shift our focus to striving for significance. I...


The art of comparing ourselves with others starts very young. Walk into any Kindergarten class and ask, “Who is the best reader?” They will tell you. Ask a group of kids on a playground, “Who is the best at soccer?” They will point out the most athletic kid. We start...